Optimize your health

Extend your longevity

Feel your best

Luxury of time.

Unconstrained by the conventional medical system, we go beyond the standard doctor’s visit. We have as long as it takes to get to the root cause of any medical condition you may have. As the health journey unfolds, we will collaborate to develop a plan to meet your goals. We have the time and flexibility to explain and manage whatever may be happening with you the way it’s supposed to be with your doctor.


Grounded in Nature.

Backed by Science.

Precision Medicine.


We offer a concierge experience focusing on cardiovascular prevention, Functional and Integrative Medicine — You will have access to access to advanced inflammatory testing, wearables, genetic, and cognitive testing. We balance hormones, utilize IV therapy use plant medicines and advanced regenerative therapeutics. We will work together to develop a plan to fit your unique self and optimize all areas of your lifestyle.

Wherever you are, I am just a call away.

“Let food be thy medicine.”


Become a part of the concigare practice to call me anytime.